Warrior Series: Lil' Khan
Lil' Khan is smaller in stature, but just a powerful
Lil' Khan is just a step down from Khan. The only differences are that it has one 7" musky cut skirt and one 7/0 3x siwash hook. It has a #9 Fluted blade on the Bubba frame that provides great vibration and thump. This bait shines in high pressure situations and when the fish are more neutral. The single #9 fluted blade is ideal for all day casting while fishing multiple areas and will not wear you out as much as other blades. Khan is an excellent choice when you want a fairly large profile, but not the fatigue associated with harder pulling blades.
Why consider single hooks?
1) The wide gap and large hook gets around the jaw bone and holds the fish tight
2) Reduced chances of hooks dislodging resulting in a better ratio of fish landed to fish hooked.
3) Easier to unhook and reduced chances of hooks getting tangled in the net.
4) More weedless than treble hooks
8.0" / 1.65oz.
$16.81 each
Available in 32 colors
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